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Data protection

We appreciate your interest in ora Kinderhilfe international e. V. and want you to feel comfortable visiting our website, also with regard to the protection of your personal data. We take the protection of your personal data very seriously. We want you to know when we collect which data and how we use it. With the following information, we, ora Kinderhilfe international e. V., provide an overview of the processing of your personal data as a sponsor, donor, interested party and business partner in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

1. general information

a. Contact

The controller responsible for processing your personal data is

ora Kinderhilfe international e. V.

Berlin office
Schottstraße 2
D-10365 Berlin

Phone: 030-643 87 82 30
Fax: 030-643 87 82 59
E-mail: info@ora-kinderhilfe.de

Managing Director: Carmen Schöngraf
Association register number: VR 33849 B

Local Court Berlin-Charlottenburg

Korbach warehouse (donations in kind)
Am Ziegelgrund 31
34497 Korbach

Phone: 05631-95 05-32
Fax: 05631-95 05-50

Imprint: https://www.ora-kinderhilfe.de/website/de/impressum


b. General information on data processing
Personal data may be processed as part of our services and within our online offering and the associated external online presences, such as our social media profiles. The data protection term "personal data" refers to all information that relates to a specific or identifiable person. The IP address can also be personal data. An IP address is assigned to every device connected to the internet by the internet provider so that it can send and receive data. When you use the website, we collect information that you provide yourself. We also automatically collect certain information about your use of the website during your visit to the website.

We process personal data in compliance with the relevant data protection regulations, in particular the GDPR and the BDSG. Data processing by us only takes place on the basis of legal permission. We only process personal data with your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 a) GDPR), to fulfill a contract to which you are a party (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 b) GDPR), or at your request to carry out pre-contractual measures (Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 b) GDPR), to fulfill a legal obligation (Art. 6 para.1 p. 1 c) GDPR) or if the processing is necessary for the purposes of our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of a third party, except where such interests are overridden by your interests or fundamental rights and freedoms which require protection of personal data (Art. 6 para. 1 p. 1 f) GDPR). If you apply for an open position in our company, we will also process your personal data to decide on the establishment of an employment relationship (Section 26 (1) sentence 1 BDSG).

2. categories of personal data

Which categories of personal data are processed by ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. depends largely on the reason for and the context in which a contact or contractual relationship with you arises or exists. A distinction must be made, for example, between sponsors, donors, interested parties and business partners. In the context of a sponsorship, donation, inquiry or other contract, ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. generally processes the following categories of data, depending on the specific relationship:

  • Surname, first name, address, contact details (telephone, e-mail), date of birth, donor ID
  • Company name, if applicable also consisting of surname, first name, address, contact details (telephone, e-mail), sector, contact person in the company with surname, first name, function, contact details (telephone, e-mail)
  • Payment transaction and order data (e.g. bank details, payment orders)
  • Order history and sales with business partners
  • Sponsorship and donor histories, interested party histories with regard to legacies.

If there is direct contact with you during the sponsorship, the support of donations and interested parties or a business relationship, further data, such as information about the contact channel, date, occasion and result, will be processed.

3. purposes of data processing and legal bases

a) Obligation to provide data

As part of a business relationship (e.g. sponsorships, donation processing, other contracts), you must provide the personal data that is necessary for the establishment and execution of a business relationship and the fulfillment of the associated contractual obligations or that we are legally obliged to collect. Without this data, we will generally have to refuse to conclude the contract or execute the order or will no longer be able to perform an existing contract and may have to terminate it.

b) Fulfillment of contracts

ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. processes your aforementioned personal data and categories of personal data for the fulfillment of the respective contract (e.g. sponsorship, donation, participation campaign, other business relationship) or for the implementation of pre-contractual measures (e.g. contact requests, information orders) with you in accordance with Art. 6 (1) b) GDPR. Your contact details are also used for these purposes, e.g. in the context of specific information and queries.

ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. is also subject to various legal requirements (e.g. Money Laundering Act, tax laws) and in this respect also processes your data on the basis of legal requirements in accordance with Art. 6 (1) c) or in the public interest in accordance with Art. 6 (1) e) GDPR. The purposes of processing include, among others

  • the application and verification requirements in the context of grants from public bodies;
  • the prevention of fraud and money laundering;
  • the fulfillment of tax control and reporting obligations and audit requirements;
  • the fulfillment of official and court directives and orders;
  • and the assessment and management of risks at ora Kinderhilfe international e.V.

If necessary, ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. processes your data. your data in the context of the balancing of interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR to protect the legitimate interests of ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. or third parties. For example:

  • Measures for association management and further development of statutory tasks
  • Assertion of legal claims and defense in legal disputes;
  • Ensuring the IT security and IT operations of ora Kinderhilfe international e.V;
  • Prevention of criminal offenses;

We also process your data as part of the balancing of interests in accordance with Art. 6 (1) f) GDPR to protect the legitimate interests of ora Kinderhilfe international e.V., e.g. on the basis of the sponsorship, the donation relationship, existing contracts or inquiries for needs-based information geared to your interests as part of the statutory purposes of ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. (self-promotion) in accordance with the following provisions:

  • postal advertising unless you have objected to this processing; you can object to this advertising use at any time with effect for the future using the above contact details (see section 1.) (see section 7.);
  • telephone advertising to companies if you have given your presumed consent to this, provided that you have not objected to this processing; you can object to this advertising use at any time with effect for the future using the above-mentioned contact details (see section 1) (see section 7).

ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. does not transmit your data to third parties for advertising purposes.

If you have given us your consent to process personal data for specific purposes, the lawfulness of this processing is based on your consent in accordance with Art. 6 (1) a) GDPR. Consent given can be revoked at any time with effect for the future using the above contact details (see section 1). Consent can be given, among other things, for sending the newsletter to your e-mail address based on your interests.

c) Data processing for the purposes of advertising

We also process personal data about you in order to inform you by post about news from ora Kinderhilfe, in particular about our activities in the project countries, about the conclusion of a sponsorship or about appeals for donations.

The processing is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 f GDPR. The processing serves our legitimate interest in informing people who have already contacted us about the further development of our work and encouraging these people to become further involved.

You can object to this processing at any time in accordance with Art. 21 (2) GDPR. The revocation is possible via the address info@ora-kinderhilfe.de.

4. recipients and categories of recipients of the data

Within ora Kinderhilfe international e.V., only those departments that need your data to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations will have access to it. Service providers used by ora Kinderhilfe international e.V. may also receive data for these purposes if they are commissioned as processors in accordance with Art. 28 GDPR.

Possible recipients of personal data are therefore e.g:

  • public bodies and institutions (e.g. tax authorities, Federal Central Tax Office) if there is a legal or official obligation;
  • other credit and financial services institutions;
  • Processors e.g. for sponsorship and donation advertising, for the support/maintenance of EDP/IT applications, document processing, call center services, printing and sending of personalized letters, auditing services and payment transactions;
  • other data recipients on the basis of your consent.

a). Data transfer to service providers
We may transfer personal data to external service providers for the above-mentioned purposes.

In order to process your payments as part of a sponsorship, donation or order, we may transmit the payment data provided to our payment service providers.
We also transmit personal data to corresponding shipping service providers as part of information and advertising campaigns.

5. duration of storage

We only store the data for as long as is necessary to achieve the purpose of processing or to fulfill our contractual or legal obligations. Such statutory retention obligations may arise in particular from commercial or tax law regulations (§§ 147 AO, 257 HGB). In this case, we store the data for 6 or 10 years. If data is stored due to a statutory retention obligation, this processing is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 c GDPR.

6. processing of data when accessing our website

a. Log files

When you access our website, information of a general nature is automatically collected. This information (server log files) includes, for example, the type of web browser, the operating system used, the domain name of your internet service provider and similar. In addition, the IP address is transmitted and used to use the service you have requested. This information is technically necessary in order to correctly deliver the website content you have requested and is mandatory when using the Internet.

This log file data is anonymized or deleted by us immediately after the end of the usage process. The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f) GDPR.

b. Cookies

We use cookies on our website. Cookies are small text files that are stored by your browser when you visit a website. This identifies the browser used and can be recognized by our web server.

In particular, we use permanent cookies ("persistent cookies"). These cookies are automatically deleted after a specified period, which may vary depending on the cookie.
If this use of cookies results in the processing of personal data, this is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f GDPR. This processing serves our legitimate interest in making our website more user-friendly, effective and secure.

You can delete cookies at any time in the security settings of your browser. You can generally object to the use of cookies through your browser settings.

The Federal Office for Information Security provides further information on this at https://www.bsi-fuer-buerger.de/BSIFB/DE/Empfehlungen/EinrichtungSoftware/EinrichtungBrowser/Sicherheitsmassnahmen/Cookies/cookies_node.html

c. their requests

If you send us an inquiry by e-mail, we will collect the data you provide in order to process and respond to your request. We store this data for a period of up to two years for verification purposes. Legal basis for data processing Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR.

7. subscription to the e-mail newsletter

We use the so-called double opt-in procedure to subscribe to our newsletter. This means that after you have entered your e-mail address, we will send you a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address you have provided, in which we ask you to confirm that you wish to receive the newsletter. If you do not confirm this within 4 weeks, your registration will be automatically deleted. If you confirm your wish to receive the newsletter, we will store your e-mail address until you unsubscribe from the newsletter. The storage serves the purpose of being able to send you the newsletter. Furthermore, we store your IP addresses and the time of your registration upon registration and confirmation in order to prevent misuse of your personal data and to be able to provide proof of correct delivery. The legal basis for the processing of your personal data is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter a GDPR.

The only mandatory information for sending the newsletter is the e-mail address. You have the right to revoke your consent to receive the newsletter at any time. Your revocation does not affect the legality of the processing of your personal data up to the time of revocation. You can declare your revocation by clicking on the link provided in every newsletter e-mail, by e-mail to info@ora-kinderhilfe.de or by sending a message to the contact details given in the imprint.

a. Cleverreach

The newsletter is sent by the mailing service provider CleverReach GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlenstr. 43, 26180 Rastede, Germany. You can view the privacy policy of the mailing service provider here: https://www.cleverreach.com/de/datenschutz/. The shipping service provider is used on the basis of our legitimate interests pursuant to Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR and an order processing contract pursuant to Art. 28 para. 3 sentence 1 GDPR.

The mailing service provider may use the recipients' data in pseudonymous form, i.e. without assigning it to a user, to optimize or improve its own services, e.g. to technically optimize the mailing and presentation of the newsletter or for statistical purposes. However, the mailing service provider does not use the data of our newsletter recipients to write to them itself or to pass the data on to third parties.

8. sponsorship and donation - use of the donation form

You can become an ora sponsor or make a one-off or regular donation via our websites. We process the data provided in the respective form to carry out the sponsorship or send the donation. As part of the sponsorship or donation, we process the data that you yourself have provided to us via the form. The information in the data fields marked as mandatory fields on the input screen is required to carry out your sponsorship or donation. The provision of further data is voluntary. We also assign you a sponsor or reference number in our data processing system.
This processing is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 b GDPR.

a. Donation form of the Bank für Sozialwirtschaft

On our website, we offer users the opportunity to make donations online. If a user makes use of this option, the data entered in the corresponding form will be transmitted to us and stored. The form is provided by Bank für Sozialwirtschaft AG ("BFS"). The data entered is therefore forwarded directly to BFS and the technical service providers used by BFS to provide the form via an encrypted SSL connection in order to execute the donation order. The data will not be passed on to any other third parties. The following data is collected with the form:

Full name (surname, first name) with title (optional title and company name); address (street, house number, town, zip code, country); e-mail address; bank details (IBAN); donation details (donation recipient, amount, donation/reference, donation receipt requested)
Additionally for donations via credit cards: card type, card number, CVV/CVC verification number, validity period of the credit card

If a donation receipt is requested, we process the data in order to issue and send a corresponding donation receipt.

The data collected is required to complete and execute the donation order. The user's e-mail address is required to confirm receipt of the donation order. The data is not used for any other purposes. The legal basis for the processing of the data is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR.

At the time the form is sent, the user's IP address is also stored. We use the IP address to prevent misuse of the donation form. The IP address is used for the purpose of fraud prevention and to prevent unauthorized transactions to the detriment of third parties. The legal basis for the processing of the IP address is Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR.

The data is deleted as soon as it is no longer required for the purpose for which it was collected. In the case of bank data, this is the case immediately after collection of the donation amount. The address data, like all other data entered, will be stored within the scope of tax retention obligations after any requested donation receipt has been created and sent, but will be blocked for any other use. The additional IP address collected during the sending process will be deleted after a period of seven days at the latest.

The user has the option to object to the processing of the data at any time. However, it should be noted that in the event of an objection, the donation order can no longer be executed as desired.

9. analysis of our website / advertising / marketing

a. Google Analytics

We use the Google Analytics service of Google LLC (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; "Google") to analyze our website visits. Google uses cookies that enable your use of our website to be analyzed. The information generated by the cookie about the use of our website by users is usually transmitted to a Google server in the USA and stored there. Google will use this information on our behalf to evaluate the use of our online offer by users, to compile reports on the activities within our website and to provide us with further services associated with the use of our website and the use of the Internet. Pseudonymous user profiles can be created from the processed data.

We only use Google Analytics with activated IP anonymization. This means that the IP address of users is shortened by Google within member states of the European Union or in other contracting states of the Agreement on the European Economic Area. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transmitted to a Google server in the USA and truncated there.

The IP address transmitted by the user's browser will not be merged with other Google data. Users can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in their browser software.

The legal basis for data processing in connection with the Google Analytics service is Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 f GDPR and the processing serves the legitimate interest of analyzing user behavior on our website and thus the possible needs-based design.

You can prevent the storage of cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser software. You can also prevent the collection of information generated by the cookie by downloading and installing the browser plug-in available at the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de.

Change data processing settings to be excluded from Google Analytics tracking.

Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement, an adequacy decision of the European Commission, and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law(https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active).

b. Google AdWords and conversion measurement

On the basis of our legitimate interests (i.e. interest in the analysis, optimization and economic operation of our online offer within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 lit. f. GDPR), we use the services of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA ("Google"). GDPR) the services of Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA, ("Google").

Google is certified under the Privacy Shield Agreement and thus offers a guarantee of compliance with European data protection law(https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active).

We use the online marketing process Google "AdWords" to place ads in the Google advertising network (e.g. in search results, in videos, on websites, etc.) so that they are displayed to users who are likely to be interested in the ads. This allows us to display ads for and within our online offering in a more targeted manner in order to present users only with ads that potentially match their interests. If, for example, a user is shown ads for products that they have shown an interest in on other online offers, this is referred to as "remarketing". For these purposes, when our and other websites on which the Google advertising network is active are accessed, a code from Google is executed directly by Google and so-called (re)marketing tags (invisible graphics or code, also known as "web beacons") are integrated into the website. With their help, an individual cookie, i.e. a small file, is stored on the user's device (comparable technologies can also be used instead of cookies). This file records which websites the user has visited, which content they are interested in and which offers the user has clicked on, as well as technical information about the browser and operating system, referring websites, time of visit and other information about the use of the online offer.

We also receive an individual "conversion cookie". The information obtained with the help of the cookie is used by Google to create conversion statistics for us. However, we only learn the anonymous total number of users who clicked on our ad and were redirected to a page with a conversion tracking tag. However, we do not receive any information with which users can be personally identified.

User data is processed pseudonymously within the Google advertising network. This means that Google does not store and process the user's name or email address, for example, but processes the relevant data in relation to cookies within pseudonymous user profiles. This means that, from Google's perspective, the ads are not managed and displayed for a specifically identified person, but for the cookie owner, regardless of who this cookie owner is. This does not apply if a user has expressly allowed Google to process the data without this pseudonymization. The information collected about the user is transmitted to Google and stored on Google's servers in the USA.

Further information on the use of data by Google, setting and objection options, can be found in Google's privacy policy (https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads) and in the settings for the display of advertisements by Google (https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated).

c. Advertising via the pixel of the social network Facebook

Facebook Pixel is integrated on this website. We use the following functions of the Facebook pixel for the purposes stated in each case:

  • Facebook Connect, analysis of access data for the purposes of interest-based advertising on Facebook;
  • Facebook Custom Audience, analysis of access data for the purpose of targeted advertising to third parties on Facebook;
  • Facebook Events, analysis of access data for the purpose of advertising upcoming events;
  • Facebook Pixel Remarketing, analysis of access data from product pages for the purpose of displaying interest-based advertising on Facebook;
  • Facebook Pixel Tracking, analysis of access data for the purpose of interest-based advertising on Facebook;
  • Facebook Pixel Conversions, analysis of conversion data on order completion (order value, currency, information on whether existing or new customer) for the purposes of interest-based advertising on Facebook and billing.

The Facebook pixel automatically sets a cookie when you visit our website, which automatically enables the functions mentioned for the purposes explained by means of a pseudonymous cookie ID and on the basis of the pages you visit. This serves to safeguard our legitimate interests, which predominate in the context of a balancing of interests, in the optimal marketing of our website in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR. After the end of the purpose and the end of the use of Facebook services by us, the data collected in this context will be deleted.

The Facebook Pixel is an offer from Facebook, Inc(www.facebook.com). Facebook, Inc. is headquartered in the USA and is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield. A current certificate can be viewed here. Based on this agreement between the USA and the European Commission, the latter has determined an adequate level of data protection for companies certified under the Privacy Shield.

You can object to the collection and storage of data at any time with effect for the future by placing an opt-out cookie on your end device or by using a corresponding browser plug-in, e.g. Ghostery, to suppress the functionality of the tool.

You can also object to this processing of your data by obtaining information from the Digital Advertising Alliance about the setting of cookies and making the appropriate settings. After your objection, an opt-out cookie may be stored on your end device. If you delete your cookies, you must click the links explained here again.

d. Use of Hubspot

Hubspot, Inc. is headquartered in the USA and is certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield. A current certificate can be viewed here. Based on this agreement between the USA and the European Commission, the latter has determined an adequate level of data protection for companies certified under the Privacy Shield. The data is processed in Ireland and the USA.

Use for web analysis
For website analysis, data is automatically collected and stored on this website using Hubspot, Inc. technologies(www.hubspot.com), from which user profiles are created using pseudonyms. In accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR, this serves to safeguard our legitimate interests in an optimized presentation of our offer, which predominate in the context of a balancing of interests. Cookies may be used for this purpose. After the end of the purpose and the end of the use of Hubspot by us, the data collected in this context will be deleted.

Use for user account management and communication
We also use Hubspot, Inc. technologies on this website to manage user accounts.

If you contact us via a contact form or chat and enter your e-mail address, a user account will be created and the communication content will be saved in order to better process this and future inquiries. If you do not enter an e-mail address, no user account will be created and the communication content will not be saved.

We also use Hubspot to send e-mails.

Overall, data processing serves on the one hand to process the contract in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. b GDPR and on the other hand to safeguard our legitimate interests, which predominate in the context of a balancing of interests, in an optimized presentation of our offer, the optimal processing of your inquiries and direct advertising in accordance with Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 lit. f GDPR.

You can object to the collection and storage of data at any time with effect for the future by placing an opt-out cookie on your end device or by using a corresponding browser plug-in, e.g. Ghostery, to suppress the functionality of the tool.

e. Use of Matomo

This website uses Matomo (formerly Piwik), an open source software for the statistical analysis of visitor access. The provider of the Matomo software is InnoCraft Ltd, 150 Willis St, 6011 Wellington, New Zealand.

If subpages of our website are accessed, the following information is stored:

  • the IP address of the user, shortened by the last two bytes (anonymized)
  • the subpage accessed and the time of access
  • the page from which the user reached our website (referrer)
  • which browser with which plugins, which operating system and which screen resolution is used
  • the time spent on the website
  • the pages that are accessed from the accessed subpage

Matomo is used for the purpose of improving the quality of our website and its content. This enables us to find out how the website is used and to constantly optimize our offering.

By anonymizing the IP address by six digits, we take into account the website visitor's interest in the protection of personal data. The data is not used to personally identify the user of the website and is not merged with other data. The information about your use of this website is not passed on to third parties.


You can object to the storage and analysis of your data by Matomo at any time by clicking the button below. An opt-out cookie will then be stored on your device, which is valid for five years. As a result, Matomo will not collect any session data. Please note, however, that the opt-out cookie will be deleted if you delete all cookies.

Status: Your anonymized data is stored and evaluated by Matomo.

You can find more information on the privacy settings of the Matomo software at the following link: https://matomo.org/docs/privacy/.

10. social network plugins

We use buttons on our website for social networks and comparable third-party offers (hereinafter referred to as "plugins"). These plugins enable you to distribute the content of our website on the respective social network. To integrate the plugin into our website, its program code is transmitted directly from the servers of the respective provider when our website is accessed. For this purpose, it is technically necessary to transmit the IP address used. This transmission takes place regardless of whether you click on the plugin or not. If you are logged into your user account with the social network when you visit our website or interact with the plugin, further data may be transmitted. You can obtain more information on this from the respective provider of the plugin.

The data processing is carried out in each case to safeguard our legitimate interests in increasing the awareness and reach of our website and is based on the legal basis of Art. 6 para. 1 sentence 1 letter f GDPR.

We have integrated plugins from the following third-party providers into our website:

- Facebook (Facebook Ireland Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland) - Privacy Policy: https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/Opt-Out: https://www.facebook.com/settings?tab=ads and http://www.youronlinechoices.com, Privacy Shield: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt0000000GnywAAC&status=Active.

- Google/YouTube (Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) - Privacy Policy: https://policies.google.com/privacyOpt-Out: https://adssettings.google.com/authenticated, Privacy Shield: https://www.privacyshield.gov/participant?id=a2zt000000001L5AAI&status=Active.

- Instagram (Instagram Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA, 94025, USA) - Privacy Policy/ Opt-Out: http://instagram.com/about/legal/privacy/.

11. external links

If you use external links that are offered on our website, this data protection declaration does not extend to these links. If we offer links, we endeavor to ensure that these also comply with our data protection and security standards. However, we have no influence on compliance with data protection and security regulations by other providers. Therefore, please inform yourself on the websites of the other providers about the data protection declarations provided there.

12. information on ensuring data security

We take technical and operational security precautions both on our premises and on the website in order to protect the personal data stored by us from access by third parties, loss or misuse and to enable secure data transfer.

We must point out that due to the structure of the Internet, unwanted access to data by third parties can occur. It is therefore also your responsibility to protect your data against misuse through encryption or in some other way. Without appropriate protective measures, data transmitted unencrypted, even by e-mail, can be read by third parties.

13. revocation of consent

You can withdraw your consent in accordance with Art. 7 (3) GDPR. Such a withdrawal does not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

14 Your rights

As a data subject, you have the right to assert your data subject rights against us. In particular, you have the following rights:

  • In accordance with Art. 15 GDPR and Section 34 BDSG, you have the right to request information as to whether or not we process personal data relating to you and, if so, to what extent.
  • You have the right to demand that we rectify your data in accordance with Art. 16 GDPR.
  • You have the right to demand that we erase your personal data in accordance with Art. 17 GDPR and Section 35 BDSG.
  • You have the right to restrict the processing of your personal data in accordance with Art. 18 GDPR.
  • the right to receive the personal data concerning you, which you have provided to us, in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to transmit those data to another controller in accordance with Art. 20 GDPR.

You can assert your rights at any time by sending an e-mail to info@ora-kinderhilfe.de, by calling 030 643 87 82 30 or by sending a letter to ora Kinderhilfe international e.V., Schottstr. 2, 10365 Berlin.

15. complaint to a supervisory authority

If you believe that the processing of your personal data violates the provisions of the GDPR, you have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority in accordance with Art. 77 GDPR.

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