Helping families in need

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How can you donate?

Donate directly

ora donation store

ora basic care

Sharing makes you whole, as the saying goes

By donating, we share with those who lack the most.
Food, clothing, access to education or medical care are not a matter of course.

However, in order for children to grow, learn and one day be able to look after themselves with dignity, they need a framework that enables them to do just that. They need help to help themselves.

Donations are an investment in the future

ora Kinderhilfe is committed to a better world for children and their families.

Your donations help:

ora donations
ora sponsorships gift sponsorship 2

What do I give someone who already has everything?

A gift donation is the solution. The recipient receives a certificate stating the purpose of the donation and the help provided, and you both get the good feeling of having supported something important.


Gift donations are possible from EUR 10.00. Certificate and donation purpose will be sent individually.

We support an average of...

mhg doll
mhg family
mhg nutrition
Meals per year
mhg first aid
Visits to the doctor

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