History of Aminata

ora children's aid

Who is afraid of the dentist?

Aminata lives in 3Miles in Sierra Leone. Thanks to ora Kinderhilfe's preventive healthcare programs, the health of the villagers and especially the children has greatly improved. A pediatrician and a dentist come to the village two to three times a year and examine all the children. Toothbrushes are regularly distributed at school and training is given on how to brush teeth properly.

Aminata is always happy when the dentist comes, because that's when she gets new toothbrushes and they are important. Since Aminata has been brushing her teeth regularly and well, her teeth are much healthier and she no longer has to have any teeth pulled, even though she loves to snack on sweets. It is also important that the girl has now recognized the connection between health and education.


"We learned how to brush our teeth at school and found out what sugar does to your teeth. I now brush my teeth every morning and every evening. I didn't know it was important before. My parents and my sister now also brush their teeth regularly."

Aminata's valuable experience was made possible by donations.
More donations are needed to do even more for healthy teeth and therefore for healthy people in Sierra Leone.

With 10 EUR per month you can support the topic of dental health and help children to have a radiant smile.

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